About This Site

This domain, troyeckhardt.com, used to be the place where I blogged about all manner of political and religious things, plus some generally cathartic spewage, etc. These days I do that at Eckhardt Opines and Zipplebarth.

Both of those are WordPress sites, and I designed Zipplebarth for a more public audience and much more recently, so it is also optimized for phones and tablets as well as for desktops and laptops.

Why then did I proudly create this website, my namesake, on Windows Notepad with hand-coded HTML?

Because I could.

I like old things: Old furniture, old radio shows, old ways. I based the design of this website on that of Eckhardt Science, which I first created in 1994 when there were no other options other than learning HTML.

If you have seen typical examples of early '90s websites, replete with wacky 3-D text, blinking gifs, etc., I think you might agree that I was a little more reserved and professional about my web design in those days.

In any case, I derive pleasure from old-fashioned HTML coding now and then, so here is where I do it.